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Gifted Services

Bellefontaine City Schools Gifted Services for 2024-2025

 Gifted Referral Form       Gifted Identification Policy      Gifted Services

The Bellefontaine City School District is committed to addressing the unique needs of its students and willingly shares responsibility with parents to develop the full potential of our young people.  It is the belief of the Bellefontaine City Schools that every student is entitled to be academically challenged.  For our most intellectually able students, that challenge can be provided through acceleration and enrichment experiences that replace, supplement, or extend learning beyond the standard curriculum.
                                             Gifted Department Vision Statement


Elementary - Grades K-2:

At the primary level, classroom teachers are responsible for enriching and differentiating the curriculum for high-end learners.  Identified superior cognitive and specific academic students are cluster-grouped in the elementary classrooms.  The Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS) provides support to the cluster teachers through collaborative planning, small group pull-out and co-teaching to help students reach the goals designated on their written education plan (WEP). The GIS is also available as a consultant to other teachers as needed.  

Intermediate - Grades 3-5:

The Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS) works with classroom teachers using the “Team Teaching Model” to help students reach the goals designated on their written education plan (WEP).  Identified gifted students at this level are “clustered” within classrooms to facilitate collaboration between the classroom teachers and the GIS.  Together, these teachers plan and provide for differentiated instruction in the academic areas.  This differentiated instruction takes place both within the classroom setting and in small group pullouts. 

Middle School - Grades 6-8:

Academic enrichment and acceleration in Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science are the focus at the middle school level.  "Focused" Language Arts and Mathematics classes in 6th & 7th grades, as well as "Focused" Science classes in 7th grade, are offered to students who meet the standards set by the district.  All of these classes receive ongoing support from a Gifted Intervention Specialist.  Written education plans (WEPS) are maintained on all superior cognitive students and on the specific academic students who meet course qualifications.  8th Graders who meet the required criteria are placed in an Algebra I class, Freshman Honors English class, and/or a Freshman Physical Science class, which enables them to earn several high school credits their 8th grade year.

Academic enrichment opportunities are available during the intervention period and after school hours.  These include Mathcounts, United Nations, Spelling Bee, and Robotics.

High School - Grades 9-12:

At the high school level, students are encouraged to concentrate on the rigorous subject matter available through Honors, Advanced Placement, and College Credit Plus classes. Currently there are eleven Advanced Placement classes offered at BHS:   English Language/ Composition, English Literature/ Composition, U.S. History, U.S. Government, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Spanish, French, Capstone Seminar, and Capstone Research.   Also, students have the option of taking many college-level classes through partnerships with Clark State Community College.   In addition, Credit Flex permits students the opportunity to accelerate by testing out of subjects, engaging in independent study, taking online courses, or constructing other educational options.  Placement in these programs is determined by class prerequisites listed in the Course Catalog. Written education plans (WEPS) are maintained on all superior cognitive students and on the specific academic students who meet the qualifications and participate in honors, College Credit Plus and/or Advanced Placement classes.

Academic enrichment opportunities may include Model United Nations, Robotics, Quiz Bowl, and TEAMS.

    Gifted Services Staff

Angie Horvath, Coordinator of Gifted Services
(937)593-0545 Ext. 3480

Stephanie Fissel, Half-Time Gifted Intervention Specialist (Middle School)
(937)593-9010 Ext. 3422

Katie Davis, Gifted Intervention Specialist (Intermediate-Grades 4 & 5)
(937)592-5646 Ext. 3327

Lindy Martin, Gifted Intervention Specialist (Elementary & Grade 3)
(937)599-4331 Ext. 3387

Identification of Gifted Students Compliance Notification
This notification is in compliance with the State Department of Education’s expectations for gifted education. Bellefontaine City School district assures equal access to screening and further assessment for all district students, including culturally and linguistically diverse children, children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, children with disabilities, and children for whom English is a second language. “Gifted” refers to students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others in their age, experience, or environment. These students are identified in one or more of the four areas specified in Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15 A through C: superior cognitive ability; specific academic ability; creative thinking ability; visual or performing arts ability.

The Bellefontaine City School District annually screens and assesses students in kindergarten through twelfth grade to identify those students who fall within the gifted range. Whole grade standardized testing is given in grades two and five. This testing serves as a screening and/or identification instrument and assists in the identification process. A report is sent to all parents of students involved in the assessment phase of screening. The report provides notification once identification procedures are completed. Guidelines for screening and identification criteria are contained in the district policy and plan brochure Identification of Children Who are Gifted. Copies of this brochure are available in the office of each school, the Board of Education office and through a link at the top of this page.