Mental Health Services
Mental Health Services
Bellefontaine City Schools is dedicated to supporting the mental health and well-being of our students so they are able to learn and be successful at school.
Each of our school buildings has dedicated school counselors who are the first point of contact for students and families who are dealing with mental health concerns. In addition, the district has a Mental Health Specialist on staff, Mrs. Beth Ramsey. School Counselors can refer students to her as needed. The Mental Health
Over the past several years, schools around the world, including BCS, have seen a tremendous increase in mental health needs within our student population. The recent pandemic, isolation, and socio-economic issues at home exacerbated an already-overwhelmed system both within our district social-emotional/counseling positions and in outside mental health providers.
This overwhelming need is the driving force behind the school’s additional Mental Health Specialist and our passion to help our students who have the following needs and more:
- anxiety & depression
- eating disorders
- addiction
- suicidal ideation
- homicidal ideation
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- conduct disorder
- social deficits
- anger management
- trauma
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- peer-relational skills
- executive functioning deficits
- self-harm
In addition to the staff onsite, the district has provide students, staff and families with an online option. This option is Care Solace. Care Solace helps school districts to provide wraparound support for every student, staff member, and family member in need. Use the links below to access.
District Counseling Staff
Mental Health Therapist, Beth Ramsey
BHS School Counselors: Shalie Logan, Rebecca O'Rielley, and Paula Shaw
BMS School Counselors: Julie Kurtz and Lindsey Maus
BIS Counselor: Eric Hamm
BES Counselor: Dawn Spangler