Register a Student
Are you planning to enroll a child in Bellefontaine City Schools?
There are several forms that must be completed online by a custodial parent or caretaker. Help is also available at our Enrollment Office in our Administrative Building located at 820 Ludlow Road.
Upload or deliver the following documents to the Administrative Building (820 Ludlow Rd.) at the time of registration. Documents will be copied for the student’s file and originals will be returned to you.
Birth Certificate
Immunization Records
Any child custody records, if applicable (Power of Attorney is not accepted in the state of Ohio)
Current proof of residency (voter registration card, lease agreement, mortgage statement, utility bill, rent receipt etc.)
If you live outside the school district and are considering Open Enrollment to our district, please indicate accordingly during the registration process. The deadline to accept Open Enrollment is August 1.