Chiefs’ Quiz Bowl team goes undefeated in home meet
The Bellefontaine High School Quiz Bowl team hosted a competition Monday evening at BHS.
In the first match, the Chiefs beat Springfield Shawnee 210-130.
Jeffrey Smith led the team in scoring with 35 points.
Caitlin Haley recorded 20 points, Clara Core had 15 points, and Nolan Core and Tristyn Wilson each delivered 10 points.
In the second match, BHS outscored Northwestern 210-130.
Jeffrey Smith tallied 70 points and Nolan Core had 20 points.
In the third match, BHS edged Northwestern 180-165.
The Chiefs came back from a 165-120 deficit with 4 toss-up questions remaining.
Nolan Core secured the win on the last question.
BHS will compete again next week at London.
Cliff Core is the BHS Quiz Bowl team coach.
Photo, left to right: Jake Moreland, Caitlin Haley, Nolan Core, and Jeffrey Smith
Photos: The BHS Quiz Bowl team competes in a home match Monday night.